Thursday, February 26, 2009

top 3

Top 3 ... Well there are alot of top 3 things and they vary from person to person. Personaly im going to choose or attempt to choose the top three days of my life in Grade 12 so far not including birthdays i may have forgotten some really good day so dont hold it against me. THese are not in any particular order so dont think the first was the best or anything like that its just the easiest waty to set it up personaly. There were alot of good times and lots of fun and many memories so these events are only set apart by only little bits and peaces. I have decided that this will not be writen about the events but how to choose the events. These are the top 3 questions to ask your self about each event befor ranking it. THese are once again in no particular order and by no means the only things to ask your self or considder.Hese are going to get listed in the order that they come to mind this does not meen thats the right order. Well consider that how long ago was the evnt and how well do you and others remember it the longer ago it was adn the better you remember it the meens that it was probobly going to get listed. Second where your friends there to share the memory if so then it would probobly be more meorable than if they wernt. and thirdly not saying this is the least or most important but it could be in your mind. Where there pictures taken at the time or around the time that can and might just get you to remember the good time that you were having and were they put on facebook. These are all valid things to considder when choosing the top 3 memories and maybe even more. I hope that this has helped you.

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