Thursday, May 21, 2009

creative writing peace

Creatively writing is not something that comes naturally to many people I am one those people. Before I begin may I ask of you that you do not pass judgement of my writing skills based on this completely irrelevant peace of writing. As far as I can tell this peace has no purpose to it what so ever. The only reasonable explanation I could muster is to cut the time that we the students have at any activity that could better serve us in the future. The assignment is was laid upon us by our instructor or as we refer to their class "teacher". Yet it is not her fault that this utterly ridiculous assignment is being done it is her just trying to prepare us the students for what will determine an overall 40% block of any grade 12 students English mark. This 3 hour beast is our fate as well as every other English student in beautiful British Columbia. We the students are made to sit in the same uncomfortable plastic chairs for 3 hours in a cramped classroom breathing in the same air for 3 hours, little circulation and our blood settling. If we for some strange reason though are unlucky enough to to have the air conditioning turned to sub zero (like it is in the gymnasium at PMSS Penticton B.C.) we the students have to struggle through this behemoth examination, think creatively, spell/punctuate properly and on top of that keep our appendages from getting frost bitten. This is just my opinion on the matter so i hope you can understand if you have different views that I don't share. Thank you for reading and good luck luck to those that are in line for E.P. Day (English Provincial day).

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Both the National Geographic article Evolution and Religion Can Coexist, Scientists Say and the book Angels & Demons by Dan Brown both deal with the the theme, Religion vs. Science. The popular belief amongst religious people is that science destroys the beauty and elegance of what a supreme being has created and that science and "evolution has played no role in shaping humans" according to a Gallup poll in the USA in 2001. This belief is also clearly visible in Dan Brown's novel and the belief is exerted by the Catholic Church. They enforce it with all their might till just about 300 years ago by making all documents that were anti church pro science and evolution or anything in general against the Churches doctrine was not published. People that spoke out openly were prosecuted and even have executed or killed.
"Joel Primack has a long and distinguished career as an astrophysicist. A University of California, Santa Cruz, professor, he co-developed the cold dark matter theory that seeks to explain the formation and structure of the universe. He also believes in God." This is also seen in the novel and shown by the character Leonardo Vettra who is a molecular physicist at CERN. This brilliant character has dis proven several facts about the Church and keeps breaking new ground in his quest for knowledge and understanding he is coincidentally also believes in god not just that he used to be a Catholic minister. This man sees his work as a way to prove god not to disprove anything other fallacies.
Even in toady's society Religion and science are still at odds with each other even though most scientist know that they can coexist. The only cause for the continuing conflict is the ignorance and unwavering ignorance of those that do not understand what has been proven.

Friday, May 1, 2009


This review is on the movie "Super hero movie". This movie is the one or the funniest movie that i have ever seen. There is a wide veriety of humor used in this excelent film from slap stick to satire making this an entertainable movie for young and old. This movies theme is societal issues that the bulk of the population is aware of. This movie has very many levels of humor making it enjoyable for all audiences ranging from "crude" no thinking required humor like the main character coming into his grandparents house acting intoxicated and breaking things because he cant stand straight and the grand parents telling him to have a good night once he does his homework. High level thinking humor is also pressen tbut usualy followed by crude humor so that everyone laughs not just the educated few i will give no examples because it would possibly ruin the movie. As i said earlier this movie deals with societal issues like racism homosexuality and other soceial political and economic issues that are made a mockery of. So i only have one thing to say to you go watch it and if u like it good I did a good job and if u dont like it write your own review. Thank you for reading.